Who is the Saugeen Peninsula Invasive Species Collaborative (SPISC)?
The Saugeen Peninsula Invasive Species Collaborative (SPISC) is a community group made up of a wide range of organizations including the Oliphant and Fishing Island Alliance and other environmental groups with a common interest in eradicating terrestrial invasive species. To date, there has been tremendous efforts by various agencies to control and manage terrestrial invasive species across the Saugeen Bruce Peninsula. Progress has been made, but in order to truly implement a landscape-scale control program, consistency is required.
The SPISC was formed in 2020 with the intent to develop a united and well planned management approach for controlling invasive species on the Saugeen Bruce Peninsula. Control efforts are focused on four of Ontario’s highest priority terrestrial invasive species: Common Buckthorn, Dog-Strangling Vine, Garlic Mustard, and Phragmites australis.
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